Appointment for WPForms

A field that apply a custom format to a number

Automation for WPForms

Execute automatic actions when something happens like when a form is submitted or updated.

Calculation for WPForms

Do you need a field that can do calculations between other fields? If so this is the add-on you need. With this add on you can create your own calculation…

Format Number for WPForms

A field that apply a custom format to a number

Gutenberg submission to post

Convert your forms into pages or posts created with the Gutenberg editor. You can publish the page automatically when a form is submitted or you can review it and even…

Page Builder

Create listings, calendars, user portals and more using your entries.

PDF Builder

Create a pdf using the submitted information and attach it to any WPForm email

PDF Importer

Import a pdf, map it to a form and attaching to any email

Repeater for WPForms

Do you want to let your users repeat a section of your form? Maybe you want the users to submit x number of names or you want them to select…

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